Friday, May 20, 2011

And I'm off! No really, I am.

If I never do a first entry I will never do any. That is why I will do this today and not tomorrow like I did yesterday.


This is just like what my friend of 18 years, Cowbell, says. When you are older it is harder to make new friends because it is impossible to catch them up on your history. And who wants to hash all that out anyway?

History aside, today I have progress reports to do and I have to figure out what I will say at our schools award ceremony.  Sounds important, I know. The truth is I am a part time teacher at I private school that I have surreptitiously insinuated myself into. 


Yeah nepotism!!

I have two students to present awards to and I don't know what to say.  It will come to me I'm sure. Just a little nervous. 

Scout, my six year old daughter, is up and waiting for me to read to her out of our present reading project,  Peach Tree Island by Mildred Lawrence.  This thing was copyrighted in 1948 and our copy is actually pretty young when you consider that I was 15 when it hit the press.   I think my older girls read this book (same copy) but I never had. 




It is not a great piece of  literature but it is introducing some new vocabulary to her and darn it! I understand what it means. I guess it isn't so much new vocabulary as it is new usage. errr, old usage. 

Uncle Eben says that Mrs. Halloran will have his head.  To an extremely literal 6 year old that could be scary stuff.

Mrs. Halloran tells Cissie, and I quote...... see," My land of goodness! blah, blah,  blah, blah."


I think I found where Cissie and Jodie, the twins from that old sitcom, Family Affair, got their names. 

I only make reference to that because T.V. Land once existed.

Off I go then to read an irritating old book, drink some coffee, think about drinking water and not write my thoughts about two much improved boys until just before the ceremony.  



  1. I LOVED Peach Tree Island! I must have read it fifteen times at least. They were so...tidy! AND it's where I learned the meaning of the word 'cupola' my knowledge of which has impressed at least three people so far in my life!

  2. So far, so good. This makes me want to go find that book!
